Public Articles: The Caribbean
“Indian heritage and culture are the cornerstone of the diaspora, transcending time and place, surviving obstacles and severe situations, remoteness and influences. Despite speaking different languages, living in different and sometimes remote places, sustaining and improving our lives, we share heartfelt feelings of Indianness and the urge and yearning to connect and belong. Meanwhile, we have inherited and taken a lot from India and transformed our lives and the new countries of our birth or adoption.”
By Ashook Ramsaran
One of the anomalies of the commemoration of Indentureship in Guyana has been the refusal to acknowledge the role of Africans in the labour system that had been introduced after the Abolition Act of slavery in 1834…
By Ravi Dev
Photo retrieved from The Field Museum Library via Flickr
“With the passing of the Emancipation Act in 1833, the sugar planters in British Guiana (Guyana) anticipated a labour shortage…”
By Odeen Ishmael
Photo credit: The Field Museum Library via Flickr
“The purpose of this article is to inform Guyanese in general, and the people of African descent in particular about the participation of people of African descent in Guyana’s 19th century immigration schemes”
By Cecilia McAlmont
Photo credit: The Internet Archive via Flickr
“Felicity is a village in Trinidad on the edge of the Caroni plain, the wide central plain that still grows sugar and to which indentured cane cutters were brought after emancipation, so the small population of Felicity is East Indian…”
“While on May 5th the 175th Anniversary of Indian Arrival was commemorated, there was another anniversary two days earlier that slipped by unnoticed…”
By Mary Noel Menezes
Photo credit: The Field Museum Library via Flickr
Indian Culture in Guadeloupe and Martinique
“The British planters in the neighborhood colonies lik Trinidad, Guyana and Jamaica had saved their sugar plantations from a similar crisis of shortage of labour by importing labourers from India”
By Suresh Kumar Pillai
“Even though the planters in British Guiana (Guyana) had expressed interest in introducing Chinese labourers since Emancipation, it was not until 1851…”
By Odeen Ishmael
Photo credit: The National Archives UK
An indentured labourer's daughter remembers
“At age 107, Sajo Jhagroo, daughter of an indentured labourer, still has vivid memories of her childhood and the stories her father told her about his life in the barracks.”
By Sascha Wilson
“Indentured servitude in British America was the prominent system of labor in British American colonies until it was eventually overcome by slavery. During its time, the system was so prominent that…”
By Wikipedia
Photo credit: The U.S. National Archives
“And that is why a master genealogist in the Caribbean island is helping them trace their roots. When Kamla Persad Bissessar visited India as the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago in January 2012, there was something life-altering in store for her…”
“Shamshu Deen turned his passion for genealogy into a challenging career that makes him and hundreds happy.”
Photo credit: The National Archives UK via Flickr
“May 2020 marks 175 years of the arrival of the first Indians in Jamaica. Little did anyone know that a group of 261 Indians, landing at Old Harbour Bay in 1845, would inextricably link the fates of the people of these two countries for all times to come.”
By M Salava Naik
Photo credit: SMU Libraries Digital Collections via Flickr
Between 1845 and 1917 a total of 143,939 Indians migrated to Trinidad under the system of Indian indenture. Most of these indentured labourers were drawn from the agricultural and laboring classes of the Uttar Pradesh and Bihar regions of north India…”
“The people and customs of India are integral to the history of the Caribbean and remain part of the region’s way of life. The first people from India came to Jamaica on board the S. Blundel Hunter on May 10, 1845.”
By StephanieK
From 1845 to 1921, over 36,000 East Indians, mainly of the Hindu faith, were brought to Jamaica. Close to two-thirds of them remained. Following the abolition of slavery in the1830s, after failed attempts to source much-needed labour through bountied European immigration, the Jamaican Government turned to India and China.
By Dr. Rebecca Tortello
“In April this year, I visited the Indian Caribbean museum near the town of Chaguanas in Trinidad. Set in a large hall, the museum had no other visitors. Its curator, Saisbhan Jokhan, 69, came out to greet me.”
By Namit Arora
“The word coolie is the most explosive word in the Caribbean Indian experience. If there was ever a unifying theme among the descendants of indentured Indians around the globe, it was the word coolie,” says Lomarsh Roopnarine, an expert in Indo-Caribbean history.
By Aisiri Amin
“The Indian community is the largest minority group in Grenada. This group was first introduced during the second half of the nineteenth century when Grenada experimented with indentured labour.”
By Ron Sookram
“The English Commonwealth in 1651 had a challenge on their hands. During the third English Civil War, their commander Oliver Cromwell defeated the forces of Charles Stuart (the future King Charles II) first at Dunbar, and then precisely a year later, at Worcester.”
By Cryssa Bazos
Photo credit: The Internet Archive via Flickr
“I am the daughter of a Windrush-era migrant who arrived in the United Kingdom from Guyana (then British Guiana) in 1961. My father was one of almost 180,000 people who migrated from the Caribbean to the UK between 1948 and 1963.”
“The following story has its roots in Manding Muslim civilization which dominated West Africa for three hundred years and stretched from beyond Timbuctu to the Atlantic. It helps to explain why Muslims in Trinidad are still called ‘Madingas’.”
“A Young Soldier of Islam” Haji Ruknudeen Sahib
“Prepared on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of Haji Ruknudeen’s death, this lecture, A Young Soldier of Islam: Haji Ruknudeen Sahib, examines the contributions made by this indentured immigrant who came to these shores some 120 years ago and spent 75 years in service to the Muslim community.”
“In her recently-released book Coolie Woman, author Gaiutra Bahadur traces the life story of her great-grandmother, who boarded an indenture ship in Calcutta in the early 1900s.”
By Lakshmi Gandhi
Photo credit: The National Archives UK via Flickr
“A memorial plaque in honour of Indian indentured labourers was unveiled on January 11, 2011 at Kidderpore Dock, Kolkata Port by Union Minister for Overseas Indian Affairs Vayalar Ravi.”
By Press Information Bureau India
Photo credit: The British Library
“For over three-quarters of a century (1838-1917), Indian indentured labourers were imported from the sub-continent of India to the West Indian colonies, ostensibly to fill the void created as a result of the mass exodus of ex-slaves from plantation labour…”
Photo credit: The Field Museum Library via Flickr
“An Account of the Indian and Chinese Immigrants in British Guiana… Indeed, the earliest attempt to import indentured labour from India to British Guiana ended in scandal and public outcry when antislavery advocates’ accusations that the new labour system was really no different from slavery”
By Anne Marie Lee-Loy
Photo credit: The National Archives UK via Flickr
“The arrival of indentured labourers, especially those from India, enabled the planters to establish sugar as a monoculture, to reap profits over an extended period of time while keeping wages low…”
By Evan Radhay Persaud
Photo shows the Mersey
“An issue with the Colonial Classification of Rum is that it defines the spirit by the three European powers that came to the Caribbean to conquer, and the contributions made by other groups are essentially erased…”
This post will attempt a brief look at this minority of the captive population to see what it reveals about the nature of Saint Domingue, its heterogeneous enslaved population, and the global networks in the crown jewel of 18th century French colonialism.
By Yvie
“Can we imagine a world in which Indo-Caribbean women are not the subject of headlines in the form of murder? Can we imagine an Indo-Caribbean community that holds perpetrators of gender-based violence accountable? Where is the outrage for murdered Indo-Caribbean women?”
Photo credit: SMU Digital Libraries via Flickr
“Between 1845 and 1921, over 36,000 Indians were brought to Jamaica. Upon their arrival, the Indians were dispersed to the plantations in Portland, St Thomas, St Mary, Clarendon, and Westmoreland.”
By M Salava Naik
Indentureship experience in Jamaica – common suffering of Muslims and Hindus
“From 1845 to 1921, over 36,000 East Indians, mainly of the Hindu faith, were brought to Jamaica. Close to two-thirds of them remained.”
Photo credit: SMU Libraries via Flickr
Nearly 3% of the current population of Martinique comprises of Indians. Recently mayor of Saint Pierre, Christina Raffa, called a 3-day festival to commemorate the historical event and to thank the Indian indentured labourers who participated in the development of Martinique.
By Newsgram
Photo credit: The British Library via Flickr
“From the time of the abolition of the slave trade in 1807 and, particularly, during the period of the campaign to end slavery, the planters of…”
By Odeen Ishmael
Photo credit: The National Archives UK
“LAST Wednesday, 5th May, Indian Arrival Day was commemorated countrywide. The University of Guyana and the High Commission of India conducted a high-powered Symposium and the Media, both print and electronic, carried multi-dimensional stories on indentured immigration and on the descendants of the immigrants.
“…Each Chinese laborer had to sign a contract under which he was required to perform any kind of work he was ordered to by the British Immigration Agent. He had to work for at least nine and a half hours a day, six days a week. Sunday was a day of rest…”
By Peter Halder
“In 2001, Derek Walcott commissioned award-winning filmmaker Yao Ramesar to produce a series of films that would allow students across the Caribbean to access and explore these works. The Saddhu of Couva (The Star-Apple Kingdom, FSG, 1979) is the first in the series, narrated and written by Walcott.”
By Yao Ramesar
“However, the attitude of the majority of the planters caused the fear of the loss of labour to become a self fulfilling prophecy. After a brief vacation at the end of apprenticeship, most of the now ex apprentices returned to the plantations where they had laboured during slavery and apprenticeship, but they were demanding different conditions of service.”
“It was 150 years ago, precisely on March 11, 1860 that the ship Whirlwind, some 78 days after leaving Hong Kong, docked at Port Georgetown with 371 Chinese immigrants on board including 56 women and 4 girls.”
“Despite the enthusiasm of the planters for Chinese immigrants, the “Chinese Experiment” was comparatively short and erratic and did not yield the expected results. There were several reasons for its failure to do so.”
Debunking the myth that Indians were ‘dependent coolies’ in British Guiana
“In 1936, 16 years after indenture was abolished, the Indian population was 140,718 with 74,087 males and 66,231 males. Of this total, 55,630 were living on the estates while 85,088 were off the estates, according to the Immigration Agent General report of 1937.”
“In a plea for genuine recognition to all six races, the “invisible minority” of Guyanese of Chinese descent, as they call themselves, believe their contributions to national development are being overlooked.”
By Kurt Campbell
K Kempadoo, ‘“Bound Coolies” and Other Indentured Workers in the Caribbean: Implications for debates about human trafficking and modern slavery’, Anti-Trafficking Review, issue 9, 2017, pp. 48—63, www.antitraffickingreview.org
“Chinese immigration to Trinidad occurred in four waves. The first wave of Chinese immigrants arrived in Trinidad on 12th October 1806 on the ship Fortitude. Of the 200 passengers who set sail, 192 arrived. They came, not from mainland China, but from Macao, Penang and Canton.”
“The "coolie trade" refers to the importation of Asian contract laborers (especially Chinese and Indians) under force or deception during the 19th century. It emerged during the "gradual abolition" of slavery in the early 19th century, and coolies were exploited as substitutes for slave labor.
“On Windrush Day, the story of Caribbeans of Indian descent aboard the eponymous ship is not a straightforward history to trace or tell”
In today’s podcast, Rajan travels to Trinidad & Tobago to speak to Dr. Sherry-Ann Singh, a Professor of Indian History at the University of the West Indies who speaks to us about her thoughts on where religion, especially Hinduism, sits in modern-day Trinidad & Tobago, culture and identity and how the Ramayan’s Sita has undergone a variety of interpretations throughout the ages; from being seen as subservient to being in control of her destiny.
“In this remarkable conversation, Dr Terencia shares her research on the indentureship of Indians and migration to the Caribbean islands and tells us of the often unreported brutality of the experience, whilst challenging the many misconceptions we have of their journeys.”
"In India — in the subcontinent — a 'coolie' is someone who carries baggage," said Bahadur. "And these women sort of carry the baggage of colonialism; the expectations of white men, the expectations of Indian men. Here they have to sort of preserve family, preserve culture."
By Lakshmi Gandhi
(6 September 2021) Killing coolies officially by Guyana Times
(18 May 2021) Include full history of indentureship in CXC curriculum by Guyana Times
(8 May 2021) Contribution made by indentured immigrant servants by Guyana Times
(5 May 2021) East Indians’ contribution to Guyana’s development is of fundamental importance by Guyana Times
(5 May 2021) Indian Arrival: The Early Days by Guyana Times
(4 May 2021) “Arrival Day” or “Indian Arrival Day”? by Guyana Times
(2 May 2021) Indentured Immigration and its aftermath by Guyana Times
(2 May 2021) Celebrating 183 years of East Indian Arrival by Guyana Times
(2 May 2021) The evolution of Indian cuisine in Guyana by Guyana Times
(25 April 2021) Indian-Guyanese and Indian media by Guyana Times
(18 April 2021) British-induced famines and Indian Indentureship by Guyana Times
(11 April 2021) Book Review: Baytoram Ramharack’s Jung Bahadur Singh of Guyana by Eusi Kwayana
(22 March 2021) New novel explores slavery and indentureship by Stabroek News
(28 February 2021) Extraordinary People: Cheddi Jagan and Sonny Ramphal by Ian McDonald
(28 February 2021) Finding Roots: Indentured Labour Route Project by Guyana Times
(21 February 2021) Diaspora and Girmitiya family by Guyana Times
(7 February 2021) Tracing Chinese ancestry: of Chinese Heritage by Guyana Times
(7 February 2021) Tracing Chinese ancestry by Guyana Times
(7 February 2021) Pathway to Hopetown, an early Chinese settlement by Guyana Times
(31 January 2021) Indentured Indians and Gandhi by Guyana Times
(24 January 2021) Many untold stories on Nelson Island by Kalain Hosein
(22 January 2021) Indentured playground desecrated at Port Mourant by Guyana Times
(3 January 2021) The history of a first-generation indentured couple by Guyana Times
(8 November 2020) Jung Bahadur Singh of Guyana (1886-1956): The long-overdue story of a Guyanese icon by Dr Kumar Mahabir
(8 November 2020) Deepavali: A time to deconstruct systemic barriers and contribute to a just society by Pandit Rajin Lalaram
(4 November 2020) Pundit: Future of Hinduism depends on education by Akash Samaroo
(25 October 2020) Ameena Gafoor Institute to pilot research and scholarship around indentureship by Al Creighton
(2 October 2020) Remembering the ‘Father of Peace’ by Guyana Times
(27 September 2020) Gandhi’s influence in British Guiana by Guyana Times
(21 September 2020) Call for articles for Journal on Indentureship by Guyana Times
(27 July 2020) Notes toward a prehistory by Stabroek News
(6 June 2020) Sewdass Sadhu, the man who built the Temple in The Sea by Teddy Bruce
(30 May 2020) Celebrating 175 years of East Indian heritage by Trinidad Guardian
(29 May 2020) An indentured labourer's daughter remembers by Sascha Wilson
(5 May 2020) A salute to Indian Guyanese by Guyana Times
(1 May 2020) Indian Arrival Day and Labour Day by Now Grenada
(1 May 2020) Indian Arrival Day and Labour Day by Now Grenada
(25 March 2020) History of Quarantine Point by Linda Straker
(14 January 2020) Guyana celebrates 167 years of Chinese arrival by Guyana Times
(29 December 2019) A new beginning for Indian Guyanese by Guyana Times
(27 October 2019) Manoo-Rahming cleverly links Sitas of lore and indenture in ‘memory’ poem by Al Creighton
(23 October 2019) President at Divali Nagar: East Indian traditions benefit all nationals by Shastri Boodan
(20 October 2019) Ode to chutney mistakes its origin, celebrates its growth by Al Creighton
(15 September 2019) ‘The Evolution Of Writing In English By And About East Indians Of Guyana, 1838-2018’ by Guyana Times
(16 August 2019) The Deens legacy...Doubles has its genesis in Princes Town by Bobie-Lee Dixon
(17 July 2019) This Day in History By John Angus Martin
(30 May 2019) Mayor calls for action to save Lion House by Trinidad Guardian
(6 May 2019) President hails contributions of Indo-Guyanese -as Indian Arrival Monument commissioned by Stabroek News
(5 May 2019) Indian Immigration Monument commissioned by President by Stabroek News
(5 May 2019) Departures… by Guyana Times
(1 May 2019) Indian Arrivals Day Celebrations 2019 by Now Grenada
(22 April 2019) Commonwealth Writers to launch indentureship anthology, host writers workshop by Stabroek News
(6 April 2019) Devotees worship Balka Devi volcano by Radhica De Silva
(11 January 2019) Intersecting gender in the arts by A M Keino
(2 December 2018) Hinduism in Trinidad and Tobago by Satnarayan Maharaj
(2 October 2018) VS Naipaul: a man who cast doubt on post-colonial liberal certainties by Dilip Menon
(30 September 2018) Gandhi and the end of Indentureship by Guyana Times
(9 August 2018) The Kahaur pani by Indranie Deolall
(31 July 2018) Understanding Emancipation by Grenada Informer
(26 July 2018) T&T author wins Commonwealth Short Story Prize by Stabroek News
(22 July 2018) Indian Indentured Labour and Emancipation by Guyana Times
(19 July 2018) An unquiet wait by Indranie Deolall
(12 July 2018) Delusions and dismay by Indranie Deolall
(5 July 2018) Of God, Queen and country by Indranie Deolall
(28 June 2018) Many moons to May by Indranie Deolall
(21 June 2018) Love and loss By Indranie Deolall
(6 June 2018) Indian Immigration Monument at Palmyra has been unacceptably delayed by Stabroek News
(31 May 2018) The boy from Bancoorah by Indranie Deolall
(10 May 2018) Return of indentured Indians to their homeland a complex narrative by Stabroek News
(10 May 2018) Story of indentured Indians is one of survival and one to be celebrated by Stabroek News
(10 May 2018) Habits of industry by Indranie Deolall
(6 May 2018) Those who arrived and their contributions to culture by Al Creighton
(3 May 2018) A wish for more by Indranie Deolall
(26 April 2018) Slaves for a time by Indranie Deolall
(22 February 2018) The shape of water by Indranie Deolall
(15 February 2018) A father and fleas by Indranie Deolall
(18 January 2018) From Lucknow to Moor Farm by Indranie Deolall
(5 October 2017) British universities to mark abolition of Indian indentureship by Guyana Times
(3 October 2017) Indo-Grenadian Heritage Foundation and Mac Donald College Celebrate Gandhi’s Birthday by Now Grenada
(1 September 2017) Celebration of Indian-ness in Jamaica by Jamaica Gleaner
(10 August 2017) Indians not given free land during indentureship by Guyana Times
(13 July 2017) The Caribbean community did not celebrate the defeat of Indian Indentureship by Stabroek News
(12 July 2017) The Caribbean celebrates the centennial of the defeat of Indian Indenture by Stabroek News
(11 July 2017) Celebrating the Centenary of Indian Emancipation by Now Grenada
(4 July 2017) Enmore martyrs remembered in New York by Stabroek News
(27 March 2017) Political parties failed sugar workers in Guyana and Trinidad by Stabroek News
(23 March 2017) Grenada’s Participation at Indian Diaspora World Convention 2017 by Dwain Thomas
(22 March 2017) SN failed to provide coverage for commemorative events marking end of indentureship by Stabroek News
(17 March 2017) Lawfare and Indentured labour by Guyana Times
(15 March 2017) The centennial of the ending of indentureship – Indo-guyanese or just Guyanese? by Guyana Times
(9 March 2017) Indian indenture was abolished following a campaign in India itself by Stabroek News
(5 March 2017) Holi and End of Indentureship! by Guyana Times
(5 March 2017) End of Indian indentureship by Guyana Times
(24 February 2017) The end of Indentureship by Guyana Times
(21 February 2017) What ought to be done to improve Indian indentured Caribbean historiography? by Guyana Times
(17 February 2017) Wales and Indentured labour by Guyana Times
(14 February 2017) More problems with Indian indentured Caribbean historiography by Guyana Times
(7 February 2017) Indian indentured historiography reveals discontinuity by Guyana Times
(6 February 2017) Global convention on Indentureship by Guyana Times
(8 November 2016) Does an analysis of Indian Indentured Caribbean Historiography reveal interpretations of decay or determination? by Guyana Times
(6 November 2016) The Moose Bhagat Mandir by Angelo Bissessarsingh
(23 October 2016) Divali Nagar has come a long way by Shastri Boodan
(2 October 2016) Women and the end of Indentureship by Guyana Times
(30 September 2016) Gandhi and the end of Indentureship by Guyana Times
(23 September 2016) India and the end of Indentureship by Guyana Times
(5 August 2016) Abolition of Indian Indentureship by Guyana Times
(3 August 2016) Did Indian indentures depress ex-slave wages? by Guyana Times
(28 July 2016) Dispelling the ghosts of yesteryear by Jamaica Gleaner
(23 July 2016) Commemoration of Centennial of end of Indentureship by Guyana Times
(5 July 2016) Asian indentured servitude in Atlantic History: finally some recognition by Guyana Times
(27 June 2016) Why I will never celebrate Indian Arrival Day by Rajiv Mohabir
(8 June 2016) Indian News and Views by Raymond Ramcharitar
(7 June 2016) My new book: Indian Indenture in the Danish West Indies by Guyana Times
(31 May 2016) Survival–the message of Indian arrival by Trinidad Guardian
(29 May 2016) Indian Arrival Day re-enactment by Sharlene Rampersad
(28 May 2016) Gandhi Village Elders decry child marriage by Yvonne Baboolal
(14 May 2016) Jamaica celebrates Indian Arrival Day by Shastri Boodan
(12 May 2016) A peek at history by Stabroek News
(8 May 2016) Gender relations and indentureship by Guyana Times
(1 May 2016) Indian women & Indentureship II by Guyana Times
(1 May 2016) Indian women & Indentureship II by Guyana Times
(24 April 2016) Indian women and indentureship by Guyana Times
(5 December 2015) Rename one street after Bechu by Stabroek News
(16 November 2015) Title: Forging space: Scholars expanding the field of Indo-Caribbean feminist thought y D. Alissa Trotz
(19 October 2015) Valuable look at Indo-Caribbean culture by Raymond Ramcharitar
(3 July 2015) Selling Jamaica to ‘Mr Chin’ by Jamaica Gleaner
(7 June 2015) After 170 years of arrival: Ode to the 'coolie' women of T&T by Trinidad Guardian
(30 May 2015) Indian Arrival Day 2015 by Trinidad Guardian
(27 May 2015) Indian Arrival–The Holy Waters by Satnarayan Maharaj
(20 May 2015) Indian Arrival–Progress and Development by Satnarayan Maharaj
(13 May 2015) Twists and turns in search for ancestry by Gabrielle Hosein
(13 May 2015) Appreciating efforts, sacrifices of the ancestors by Satnarayan Maharaj
(22 April 2015) A richer inheritance than gold by Trinidad Guardian
(26 November 2014) Hindu schools in T&T: Leadership by Satnarayan Maharaj
(20 November 2014) Hindu schools in Trinidad and Tobago by Satnarayan Maharaj
(27 July 2014) The mosques of Port-of-Spain by Angelo Bissessarsingh
(1 June 2014) The hierarchy of the sugar cane estate by Trinidad Guardian
(1 June 2014) Jankie Persad Sharma- My dada from Uttar Pradesh by Yvonne Baboolal
(29 May 2014) Dwarka Nath’s history is not reliable on unclaimed remittances during Indian indentureship by Stabroek News
(22 May 2014) Where are the unclaimed remittances of the indentured? by Stabroek News
(12 May 2014) Female resilience and fortitude in Gaiutra Bahadur’s Coolie Woman: The Odyssey of Indenture by Lisa Outar
(3 May 2014) Coolie Woman strives to recover the voices of people who didn’t have the power to write themselves into history by Stabroek News
(2 May 2014) Bahadur’s book offers no newly emerging trends in the historiography of indentureship by Stabroek News
(1 May 2014) Gaiutra Bahadur’s Coolie Woman shortlisted for Orwell Prize by Stabroek News
(25 September 2013) 75 Years Of Temple History by Sat Maharaj
(25 August 2013) Indentured have received their reparation by Trinidad Guardian
(26 June 2013) Hindu Self-Transformation by Sat Maharaj
(5 June 2013) “Taste of India” by Prodyut Debnath
(23 May 2013) Indentured women came from life with no choice to one with some power – author by Stabroek News
(7 May 2013) First generation Guyanese honoured at ICT celebration by Stabroek News
(4 May 2013) Why some Indians returned to their homeland while others decided to stay by Stabroek News
(4 May 2013) The myth of Indian docility by Basdeo Mangru
(4 May 2013) An overview of Indian Indentureship in Guyana, 1838-1917 by Basdeo Mangru
(5 February 2013) The Chinese in Guyana by Stabroek News
(5 February 2013) British Guiana’s immigration dilemma: The Chinese experiment by Cecilia McAlmont
(5 February 2013) 150 years and counting: A look at the situation of 19th century Chinese immigrant women and the occupations of some of their female descendants by Cecilia McAlmont
(14 August 2012) Advance of indo-trinidad by Tony Fraser
(7 August 2012) Progress Of The Indian Peasant by Tony Fraser
(11 June 2012) TICA celebrates rich T&T heritage for Indian Arrival Day by Trinidad Guardian
(6 June 2012) 'Capildeo prevented racial divide in T&T' by Charles Kong Soo
(30 May 2012) PM's Indian Arrival Day message: Appreciate our diversity as strength by Trinidad Guardian
(23 May 2012) 167 Years Of Indian Arrival by Sat Maharaj
(23 May 2012) East Indian family celebrates arrival of forefathers by Bavina Sookdeo
(28 April 2012) It's crunch time by Tony Deyal
(3 March 2012) New perspectives on indentured labour - 'Protector of Immigrants' developed in Trinidad by Peter Hanoomansingh
(12 December 2011) Grant Memorial celebrates 140 years by Yvonne Webb
(25 October 2011) Late Pandit– Unsung hero of Hinduism by Trinidad Guardian
(25 September 2011) East Indian legacy promotes multiculturalism by Trinidad Guardian
(6 August 2011) 'Church Babylon' keeps history alive by Jamaica Gleaner
(1 August 2011) Ex-slaves worked in sugar with indentured by L E Roberts
(17 July 2011) Encounters with genius: Cheddi Jagan and Sonny Ramphal by Ian McDonald
(13 July 2011) Indian Musical Instruments in T&T by Sat Maharaj
(14 June 2011) Swaha's Swadeshi festival honours ancestors by Trinidad Guardian
(7 June 2011) Historian gives perspective on Indian diaspora by Trinidad Guardian
(4 June 2011) Khan celebrates indentureship by Trinidad Guardian
(1 June 2011) Mapping T&T's rich cultural heritage by Trinidad Guardian
(29 May 2011) A day for celebrating with pride by Debbie Jacob
(28 May 2011) Tale of 8 East Indian Immigrants by Michelle Loubon
(25 May 2011) Indo culture centre focuses on Belize, Suriname by Dr Kumar Mahabir
(17 May 2011) Racist vestiges in place names by Jamaica Gleaner
(8 May 2011) The Indian ethos in Guyanese literature by Al Creighton
(29 April 2011) New book highlights suffering of first East Indians in T&T by Trinidad Guardian
(3 April 2011) China comes to Jamaica by Jamaica Gleaner
(1 October 2010) Chinese Immigration: the Four Waves by Trinidad Guardian
(14 August 2010) Scotland and Jamaica by Jamaica Gleaner
(1 June 2010) East Indians faced oppressive environment by Trinidad Guardian
(29 May 2010) Women in indentureship make their mark by Malissa Lara
(1 December 2009) Book Review…Surviving the fracture by Stabroek News
(18 October 2009) Hindus in Tobago by Shastri Boodan
(28 May 2009) History this week by Winston McGowan
(28 May 2009) The Indian presence in Guyana by Stabroek News
(4 May 2009) An ignorance of history by Stabroek News
(22 March 2009) Casual encounters by Stabroek News
(12 January 2009) In The Diaspora by Stabroek News
(3 July 2008) History This Week No.27/2008 by Stabroek News
(1 May 2008) History this week by Tota C. Mangar
(20 April 2008) Al Creighton’s Arts On Sunday by Stabroek News
(20 February 2007) Human Interest by Stabroek News