Public Articles: India
“Anti-Indenture Bhojpuri Folk Songs and Poems from North India” is available in PDF format here.
“The nature of the labour recruitment was such that only those from the lowest castes and poor economic backgrounds were approached for the practice.”
(5 March 2020) Here’s why Indian food is popular in Mauritius by Hindustantimes
(11 January 2020) Eight years in bonded labour, tribals recall horror, now hope for new life, homes by Kavitha Iyer
(10 January 2020) Explained: Who was Manilal Doctor? By Om Marathe
(2 September 2019) International Day for Remembrance of the Slave Trade and Abolition: how it tells stories of Indian indentured labourers by Neha Banka
(5 July 2019) Roy’s goal: Tracing India roots by Dhiman Sarkar
(10 April 2017) How Gandhi’s struggle in South Africa inspired the century old Champaran Satyagraha by Aushutosh Kumar
(2 April 2017) Indenture system ended a century ago, but Indians still face racism in British colonies by Adrija Roychowdhury
(21 August 2016) Girmitiyas keen to invest in Madhya Pradesh by Anirban Roy
(22 November 2014) Indentured labour route project: Such a long journey from Mother India By Bhaswati Mukherjee
(2 February 2014) Across the Black Seas by India Press
(23 January 2014) Andrew Forrest strikes cheap coal deal to end Pak slavery by India Press
(30 July 2008) Tracing Bhojpuri roots in `Chini-Dad' by Shubha Singh
Jahajin is the story of a Trinidad born linguist researching the roots of Bhojpuri in the Caribbean through interviewing old people who came on the indenture ships.
(30 June 2008) Is there a place for me here? By Kushalrani Gulab
(24 May 2008) Mauritian civil servant finds Indian roots by Hindustantimes
(5 September 2006) PM to visit SA on 100 years of Satyagraha by Hindustantimes
(30 April 2005) East Indian Heritage Day by Hindustantimes
(1 April 2005) Prime Minister visits Apravasi Ghat by Arvind Padmanabhan
(24 May 2000) `More like stables than human dwellings’ by India Press